Here’s what you can expect from our upcoming workshop for agents.

Today I want to invite you to a very powerful event. We’re hosting our Business Planning and Productivity Workshop on Friday, October 1 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and we would love to see you there. We’ll show you exactly how to become a highly efficient, effective, productive, and profitable real estate salesperson. If you’re new to the industry or thinking about making the leap, this is perfect for you. 

Reserve your seat and get in the room. We’ll go through the systems and processes that agents use to get profitable quickly so you can do the same. You might be doing okay in the business and think you don’t need this, but maybe you’ve hit a plateau and are a little stuck. We can help get you unstuck. We’ve seen it all in the real estate world, and there are going to be a lot of fantastic, experienced professionals joining us to share their insights.

If you don’t want to wait until October 1, reach out to me today to schedule an appointment so we can go over where you are in your career and how we can help you transition to something better. If you have questions for me about the workshop, how to register, or anything else related to real estate, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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